Positively Sorted - Simplify - Outsource - Grow

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Using Your Superpowers (and Outsourcing the Rest)

I’ve been revisiting some business training recently that reminded me of just how important it is to align your business (and your life) with your superpowers. Your strengths. And how outsourcing your weaknesses can be a super-tool for growth.

My own journey in starting and growing Positively Sorted involved building a business designed to utilise my own superpowers which revolved around my love of technology. Using technology to get things done is one of my strengths. It comes naturally to me and I love it! Positively Sorted has become a vehicle through which I can use my superpowers to help others who do not love the techy, adminy side of business. I can help them get things done so that they can focus on utilising their own superpowers!

So, I put together this video to chat about why knowing and understanding both your superpowers (your strengths) and your weaknesses is so important for both your business success and your personal happiness. Learn how to use your superpowers to have more impact, be happier in your business, and put your business on the right path for growth and success.

As always, for those lovers of the written word out there, here is the video content in transcript:

Have you ever thought about how using your strengths or superpowers could help you make a bigger impact? Let me explain. 

I've been revisiting some training lately from the B-School program by Marie Forleo. If you haven't heard of her check her out she does some really helpful videos on YouTube every week called MarieTV.

One of the topics in B-School is about your superpowers. You know, your personal strengths, the stuff you love to do, skills and areas of interest that you just happen to be really good at. Skills that almost feel like a natural part of who you are. You might not even realise that it is a superpower.

So the training was emphasising the importance of creating a business that centres around those personal strengths. Some say that if you do what you love you won't work a day in your life and I don't think that's necessarily 100% true, but when you operate a business that uses your interests strengths or superpowers, the competition kind of melts away because they're competing with something they can't really buy or manufacture and that's passion.

So if your natural interests align with your business, you're automatically always providing real value for money because you're focusing on helping others with your skills and passions rather than simply working for money.

This also got me thinking about my personal journey with my own business and the reason I started Positively Sorted in the first place.

I always wanted to help people more.

Before I started my own business I worked for a retail company and to me it was just selling stuff. I wanted to do something more to help others but my initial hurdle was that I'm a bit of an introvert and my actual strengths and superpowers and what I loved doing was more in sort of technology and computers - I'm a bit of a nerd!

I've been told that I'm a good listener but I'm more analytical and problem-solving and I just love using technology to make things easier. So that doesn't necessarily translate to directly helping make people's lives easier but I love that I found a way to actually earn my living now by helping people.

I help small business owners with technology and admin things that other people might see is boring and frustrating. That I'm doing exactly what I love and not only helping my clients run their business with less stress but I'm also allowing them to help more people.

Currently my clients include a therapist that helps couples with their marriages, I've got clients that work with people with disability to help them have a better life. I work with people who improve people's skin and in turn how they feel about themselves and I even have a client who does kitchen renovations and improves people's marriages that way, keeping the peace!

So I get to help more people by helping the people that help all those other people.

I also get to employ and provide work to some awesome mums who have amazing corporate and business backgrounds and we get to fit our work around our family life so improving our lives.

And the more we all use our superpowers the more difference we can make.


I'd love to hear from you on what your superpowers are? Comment below and tell me what your superpowers are. Better yet, can you think of some things that may not be particular strengths of yours? Think about how you might be able to outsource that to someone who does have the passion for it and does it really well.

How would that improve your life?

 Share your ideas or questions if you have any in the comments below and let's talk more about it. Thanks!

If you want to hear more about how my techy-lovin’ superpowers can help you, book a free call!

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