3 Ways to Get Rid of Distractions and Get Focused

3 Ways to Get Rid of Distractions and Get Focused

I have a home office and at the moment there's a big demolition going on nearby. Add that noise (imagine house shaking thumps of concrete being pulled up and dropped) to the usual city/harbour sounds and multiple tasks with conflicting priorities and a puppy that wants to play... Sometimes it can be hard to focus!
Here are a couple of ways that I block off those distractions:

Starting 2014 My Way and helping you find yours

Starting 2014 My Way and helping you find yours

I'm not into New Years Resolutions any more, I have never been able to just wake up on the 1st and become a better version of myself. But I do love the milestone of a new year to stop and look back at the year just gone and make plans for what I want to make happen in the next 12 months.

I'm an Organiser but I'm not a Neat Freak

I'm an Organiser but I'm not a Neat Freak

 Sometimes when I meet someone new and tell them that I'm a Professional Organiser, they ask me "so you must be pretty organised at home then?" And I agree, I am mostly organised and not a fan of clutter. But some people ask if I'm a neat freak, to which I reply a big, definite "No."