
The Best Way to Manage Random notes and papers - with Evernote

The Best Way to Manage Random notes and papers - with Evernote

Today is about setting up a home for all that information that we're bombarded with, but not sure where to keep. Go back to your "TO FILE" tray, and chances are there are items in there like this. You might also have articles or blog posts that you want to read later, how do you keep track of them? And what about that measurement that you need to take to the hardware store?

The best storage and organisation solution for all this and more is a tool called Evernote. 

Declutter your desk to focus & save time

Declutter your desk to focus & save time

This is about clearing the distracting clutter from your workspace so you can focus. And we'll also start setting up homes for your incoming paperwork and tasks. This way you can find it when you need it and you know exactly what needs to happen with it.

This may not seem like an obvious time saver but trust me, this is the foundation that all the other steps will build on.

How to Organise your To Do List

How to Organise your To Do List

We all start a new year with the best intentions to be more organised and do great work and help more people, don't we? But then you get back in to the office and everything has piled up .... It can be very overwhelming and you feel like you're falling behind before you even begin. 

So today I'm share my steps for starting the new working year on the right foot!

VIDEO: Mental Clutter quick tip

Do you have things floating around in your head that you need to do? That's mental clutter. Check out my quick tip for WHY you need to get rid of it and HOW.

So what's your mental clutter? What are you going to do about it? Let me know in the comments.

Or if you need help setting up Systems to manage your to-do actions, get in touch for a no obligation chat.

The benefits of getting organised

The benefits of getting organised

Do you wish you were more organised but are just too busy to do anything about it? Maybe you don't see it as high enough priority, after all your clients and getting paid should come first right? Well yes, but here are some reasons why taking some time to get organised first will see you way better off in the long run.

4 Tips for Organising your Digital Photos

Alot of us use the camera in our smartphone now for everyday snapshots. It makes it easy to show them to others as they're right there in your pocket. But for those special occasions and holidays, we want better quality photos, so out comes the trusty digital camera. I'm someone who has always loved to take photos, my family sometimes calls me "the papparazzi" at special occasions, so having a way of keeping track of all those photos is really important.

Do you still have photos from Christmas or your last holiday still on your camera? Or maybe you've got a heap of photos from all different events jumbled up in the same folder on your computer?

It's easy enough to get motivated to transfer your pics to the computer because you want to see them on a bigger screen and see which ones really turned out well. There are a couple of extra steps though, that are quick and easy and if followed every time, will save alot of messing around searching for lost photos later.

Create a new folder for each occasion

I always organise my photos in folders in Windows. There are plenty of photo programs out there that have an organising component but some of them duplicate or resize your photos when you don't want to, and also sometimes software gets outdated. A simple folder in Windows (or Mac OS) will always be compatible later on. So I set up a folder for each different group of photoswithin the main "Photos" folder. How you want to categorise them is totally up to you and how you think you're likely to look for them later. It could be by date, event, place, people etc.

Give the folders meaningful names

For naming the folders, I use a system that includes the date and the event name. It goes:

 [YEAR]-[MONTH] - Event name

, so for example 

2012-08 - Mums birthday

. So if you sort your folder by name, the dates are going to all group together but I can also search by name if I'm looking for birthdays etc. If I have lots of miscellaneous pics from a period of time, I'll just call it 

2012-08 - mixed

digital organising
digital organising

Delete the Dodgy Photos

This is one I have always struggled with, but if a photo is out of focus, overexposed, or someones head is cut off, then you are never going to print or display it anywhere, so it's just taking up valuable hard drive space. Hit Delete! Once you get past the initial hesitation it starts to feel good to get rid of that photo clutter. What you are left with is a folder of photos that you are proud to show off and won't bore your friends to tears.

professional organiser
professional organiser

Clear your memory card

Finally, once you've transferred your pics and you've made sure they are stored safely, make sure your memory card goes back in your camera and is erased, ready for the next photo opportunity. This way you won't be accidentally transferring and storing the same photos twice because you forgot you already did it. This is also a good time to charge your camera battery so it's ready to go at a moments notice.

Happy snapping!

Filing Cabinet Clearout

It's that time of the year again, for business it's a new financial year, for individuals it's tax time. Either way it's a good time to have a look at your filing system and give it a bit of a clean out. Over time filing cabinets fill up, making it harder to find what you need and even harder to file new documents.