
How to Use Lastpass for speedy access to your passwords

How to Use Lastpass for speedy access to your passwords

This is the second of 7 Steps to Save Time and be free from Overwhelm.

We'll tackle the dreaded PASSWORD. This is one of my favourite tips to share as almost everyone finds it SUPER useful. (Unless they are already using this or something similar)

Let's dive in. 

5 must have iPhone apps for Productivity

5 must have iPhone apps for Productivity

I don't know about you but I LOVE finding out about apps that can make my life easier. I do alot of work on my phone these days. Trying to sneak in little bursts of productivity, between chasing around my toddler and otherwise keeping life moving.

So to share and inspire you, today I'm sharing my 5 favourite apps for getting things done on the go.