Tips for Finding Your Perfect Offshore Virtual Assistant

Tips for Finding Your Perfect Offshore Virtual Assistant

Decided that you are ready to hire an offshore virtual assistant but not sure how to get started? This video covers the different offshore virtual assistant options, the pros and cons for each and how to choose which option is best for you and your business.

The Best Online Form Builder - Look Like a Pro with Paperform

The Best Online Form Builder - Look Like a Pro with Paperform

Looking for an online form builder? In this video I share with you my favourite online form builder, Paperform. I share an overview of the app and how you can use Paperform to create beautiful, functional forms that keep your business looking professional while saving you valuable time!

Offshore vs Local Outsourcing to Virtual Assistants

Offshore vs Local Outsourcing to Virtual Assistants

Outsourcing to offshore vs local virtual assistants - which is the better option? I’ve worked with both and can help you understand the pros and cons to each. Learn the important considerations to make to ensure you receive the support you require for the stage you and your business are at right now.

CloudApp - My Secret Tool for Effective Communication when Delegating to a VA

CloudApp - My Secret Tool for Effective Communication when Delegating to a VA

Communication is key to successful delegation. Clear communication saves precious time in your business and ensures all involved in a project are confident with what is required from them. Discover my secret tool to effective communication when delegating.

7 Ways to Automate and Streamline your workflow

7 Ways to Automate and Streamline your workflow

The Final Step in this 7 Step series! Today is all about the little tweaks and adjustments you can make to save more time. We'll look at your tools, apps and software to automate and streamline your workflow. This will allow you to focus on the high impact actions that will help you reach your goals. 

How to Use Lastpass for speedy access to your passwords

How to Use Lastpass for speedy access to your passwords

This is the second of 7 Steps to Save Time and be free from Overwhelm.

We'll tackle the dreaded PASSWORD. This is one of my favourite tips to share as almost everyone finds it SUPER useful. (Unless they are already using this or something similar)

Let's dive in. 

What is a VA? How can a Virtual Assistant help your business?

What is a VA? How can a Virtual Assistant help your business?

How can a VA help you grow your business?

A VA or Virtual Assistant can be many things.  It’s a broad description,similar to how a tradie or tradesperson can be an electrician, a plumber, or a builder. 

Watch the video for more (or read below).

How to Organise your To Do List

How to Organise your To Do List

We all start a new year with the best intentions to be more organised and do great work and help more people, don't we? But then you get back in to the office and everything has piled up .... It can be very overwhelming and you feel like you're falling behind before you even begin. 

So today I'm share my steps for starting the new working year on the right foot!

How to Get Unstuck When Planning your Goals

How to Get Unstuck When Planning your Goals

I've been walking around lately like the shoemaker with crappy, worn out shoes. Not so much with physical clutter (though there are plenty of toys around the house). But my head has been overflowing with ideas and wishes for how I want my biz and life to look in the future. I just haven't been able to put the pieces together or known where to start or how I would find time to do it all!

I've been playing with trying to plan and set goals for weeks and was just overwhelmed. But this morning something changed...

How to get your Productivity back on track after a setback

How to get your Productivity back on track after a setback

During my first conversation with new clients, I ask them to explain their challenges and what they need help with. Very often they end up explaining some event that has occurred that was the beginning of the problem (whether they were conscious of it or not). While I have always been understanding of the effects these types of events, my recent bout of morning sickness has given me a whole new personal perspective on it.

How to Learn from the Busy Times and Improve your Business Processes

How to Learn from the Busy Times and Improve your Business Processes

For a lot of businesses, Summer, Christmas and the holidays are the busiest times of the year. Some look forward to it, with lots of clients, lots of profit... it's why you're in business right? For some though, this busy time brings stress and exhaustion. 

VIDEO: Mental Clutter quick tip

Do you have things floating around in your head that you need to do? That's mental clutter. Check out my quick tip for WHY you need to get rid of it and HOW.

So what's your mental clutter? What are you going to do about it? Let me know in the comments.

Or if you need help setting up Systems to manage your to-do actions, get in touch for a no obligation chat.

How a Bookkeeper Helps Keep Your Business Finances Organised

How a Bookkeeper Helps Keep Your Business Finances Organised

Can you believe it's nearly the end of financial year? This year, that means the cold has finally kicked in, but for many it's also that dreaded time when you have to dig through a nasty pile of paperwork, figure out what needs to be sent to the accountant and then wait for a nice hefty bill. But wait! There are other options!

Time To Re-Boot That 2013 Project

Well can you believe we are officially one quarter of the way through the year 2013 already?

It's a good time to stop and check in with yourself, how are you going with your New Years resolutions? Have you lost focus? Is there still something that you want to achieve for 2013? Now is the time to take stock, when you still have 9 months of the year left to make a difference on the goal, project or habit you want to work on.

If you have made some headway, give yourself a pat on the back (or your reward of choice), check where you can make improvements and make sure you're still on course, then keep going! 

If you haven't made much of a dent, that's ok! Don't beat yourself up, it doesn't help. Have a think, what's the thing that's holding you up? Think about all those excuses you've made, are they realistic obstacles that you need to overcome or are they just excuses? What's the Real obstacle? Is this goal even important to you anymore? no? thats ok too! Stop feeling guilty about it and take it off your to-do list.

The first step to get you on your way is answering all these questions and figuring out how to beat that obstacle. Is it lack of funding, lack of time, lack of knowledge? Then make a budget, set a schedule, do some research or ask for help. Just work on the one thing that will help you get started. Making those first steps might just give you the momentum you need to keep going. 


To-Do Lists - Part 1: What Makes A Good One?

To-Do Lists - Part 1: What Makes A Good One?

We're all busy, with information and demands coming at us constantly. It's impossible to effectively manage all this stuff in your head, and whether you're a paper person or a gadget person, it pays to be a list person.

Some people only need a single to-do list but what if it gets too long? Or you write it on scraps of paper and keep losing them? Or you don't have it with you when you need it?